Latest version: 1.5.0
mlmmj-send(1) General Commands Manual mlmmj-send(1)

mlmmj-sendsend mail to a mailinglist or similar

mlmmj-send [-L /path/to/list | -l listctrl] -m mail [-aDFhorsTV]

Don't archive the mail
Don't delete the mail after it's sent
What to use as MAIL FROM:
Print help
List control variable.
Full path to list directory
Full path to mail file
Address to omit from distribution (normal mail only)
Relayhost IP address (defaults to
What to use as "Reply-To:" header
Subscribers file name
What to use as RCPT TO:
Print version

This binary is used to send all kinds of mail to mlmmj managed mailinglists, but can potentially be used standalone for sending mails.

The only option that is not self explanatory is the -l -list -control -option:

send a single mail.

This is used together with -F and -T to send one mail to one recipient.

mail to moderators.

Used for sending mails to the moderators of a list.

resend failed list mail
send to file with recipients
single listmail to single recipient

This manual page was written by the following persons: Søren Boll Overgaard <> (based on html2man output)
Mads Martin Jørgensen <>

This manual page is very scarce documentation of the mlmmj-send binary. The reason for this is that it's really not supposed to be used by any human, but only supposed to be invoked from other mlmmj binaries. So in case more documentation is needed, please read the source.

September 1, 2004