Latest version: 1.4.6
mlmmj-bounce(1) General Commands Manual mlmmj-bounce(1)

mlmmj-bouncebounce handling utility for mlmmj

mlmmj-bounce --L /path/to/list [-a | -d] [-n num | -p]

Address string that bounces
Parse the mail to extract the address via the DSN (RFC1891)
Print help
Full path to list directory
Message number in the archive that bounced
Send out a probe
Print version

mlmmj-bounce is used to handle mails that are bouncing. When a mail arrives to the system, mlmmj-bounce will register in <listdir>/bounce/<addrstring> info about which number that bounced at what time. An example of such a line could be:

109:1094409801 # Sun Sep  5 20:43:21 2004

The above shows that message number 109 bounced 1094409801 seconds after epoch which is in human date stamps is Sunday September 5th 20:43:21 2004.

The last bounce mail received to the address is saved in <listdir>/bounce/<addrstring>.lastmsg.

When the -p option is used it sends out a probe email including info that it's a bounce probe and a list of the bounced message numbers. The existence of a <listdir>/bounce/<addrstring>.probe file indicates that a probe have been sent out.

This manual page was written by the following persons: Søren Boll Overgaard <> (based on html2man output)
Mads Martin Jørgensen <>

September 1, 2004